30 June 2012
I'm in a Blogging Slump
My motivation to do pretty much anything is at absolute zero. I blame my work schedule. I am not a morning person, which makes waking up and being at work before 6am every freaking weekday a HUGE challenge. Ugh. And then add in the behavioral issues that I’m dealing with … I’m just exhausted.
Thankfully, there’s a short work week coming up - I was able to snag July 3rd as a vacation day (it also happens to be the day that our small town celebrates Independence day every year), and work is closed on the 4th to celebrate the holiday. Hopefully having a couple of days to sleep in will refresh my mind enough to get a couple decent posts published. I feel like I have a lot to say (especially considering I recently finished my first round of Clomid, I’ve been reading TTC related books thanks to the local library, I’m bidding on a TTC related item on eBay, I’ve gotten back on track with charting … lots of things happening right now), so hopefully I’ll get back to generating some content soon.
20 June 2012
The Provera did what it was meant to do. I’ve never been so excited for AF in my life!
13 June 2012
Exciting Week
2. June 11 - we went to Chicago and were in the audience for a taping of Conan O’Brien’s talk show. Our seats were awesome (6 rows back from the stage) and because B is smart and wore a bright green shirt, it was easy to pick out the backs of our heads while watching the show.
3. June 13 - ordered my first pair of TOMS. I can’t wait for them to get here! (I bought the Herringbone with yellow soles)
4. June 14 - my last day of taking Provera! Hopefully it does it’s job and this is our cycle! (I’m actually trying to stay cautiously optimistic … It’s just hard not to daydream)
5. June 16 - B’s birthday :). Possible movie marathon at the budget theater.
10 June 2012
Yesterday, we spent about 3 hours in the direct sunlight of the early morning watching my sisters graduate from high school (woo hoo!). It was in the high 80’s (reaching about 91 degrees by the afternoon). I made sure to soak B in sunscreen because he’s so fair (he’s a delicate flower :D), but didn’t put any on myself because I needed some color. Now I regret that decision, because the shirt I was wearing was kind of low cut. My chest is so sunburned. It was a little hard to sleep last night, and the shirt that I’m wearing today (a regular t-shirt) is rubbing the burn and making it feel awful. My arms were sunburned yesterday too - and now they’re mostly just tan. Too bad the rest of my sunburn didn’t cooperate like that :(. I hope it heals quickly, but until it does, I’m going to keep smearing on aloe and trying to ignore the discomfort.
Always wear sunscreen, kids. Sunburn sucks.
05 June 2012
Post-Appointment Update
My actual talk with the doctor was pretty short. She told me that there were 3 routes to take - an indirect, wait and see approach using Provera and Clomid (and seeing her), a more hands on approach using ultrasounds, medications, etc to check in on the production of follicles through a Nurse Practitioner at a different clinic, or going full tilt and seeing an RE. I opted for choice number one. I was also given a sample cup for B to do a semen analysis (he’s not happy with me), and we agreed that I should try to lose some weight. Before leaving, they asked me to have a pregnancy test done just to make sure - results were negative.
On the way home, we stopped to pick up my prescriptions, and I’ll start taking the Provera tonight. I need to order some ovulation predictor sticks too. I started charting again at the beginning of the month, so I’ll keep that up as well and hopefully all of these elements combined will result in a baby - I’m thinking positive thoughts :).
04 June 2012
I'm Nervous
And I can’t sleep. Tomorrow at noon, I have an appointment with an OBGYN to discuss my reproductive issues. I’m scared. I have no idea what to expect. This is considered a “new patient visit” - what does that even mean?? Ugh. I’m really hoping to get some good news tomorrow. Hell, I’ll settle for any news that isn’t bad (really terrible, no hope) news. It doesn’t have to be great, but I need this to turn out okay.
03 June 2012
Bed Hog
I like to be totally spread out when I sleep, and I can’t stand to have any of B’s limbs on me - no legs on top of my legs, no arms across my chest making me feel like I’m being strangled. Cuddling is only okay before I’m trying to fall asleep or when “cuddling” means putting my legs on top of him to gain more bed real estate. Or I guess when I’m already asleep and I don’t realize the cuddling is happening.
Any other bed hogs out there?