24 September 2013


I totally didn't mean to take a bloggy break - almost a month since my last post, yikes!  I've been really stressed because the last few weeks have been a little out of control thanks to my split shift starting at work again and other random life-y things happening.  Plus I seem to have misplaced my motivation (again).  I wish I could take a week off just to get caught up on my free time.  Ha!

Last Thursday was CD4, which meant I got to visit the Fertility Services Clinic for the first time.  The appointment itself was pretty uneventful - I had 2 vials of blood drawn to update my hormone levels, and I had a baseline ultrasound to check for any larger than normal cysts, and none were found.  So far, so good, right?  Wrong.  Before I had any blood drawn or vag cam visits, I had to pre-pay for the appointment - makes sense, no problem ... except there was a problem.  Some miscommunication between the insurance company and the financial coordinator led to us being charged $300 for the first appointment rather than the $20 copay we were expecting to pay.  It took a few days, lots of phone calls, and husband intervention to sort everything out.  The good news is we'll be getting a refund from the clinic.  The not so good news is we're still not doing a medicated cycle.  We won't be able to resume treatment until B goes in to update his tests and we have a follow-up treatment options appointment, but due to work scheduling conflicts, that won't be happening until the 2nd week of October, so we won't be back to medicated cycles until November.  I really wasn't expecting to take a 3 month break from treatment, but that's about where we're at now, and we can't do anything to change that, so I just have to get over it - easier said than done.  I think the most difficult part for me is having my updated test results available, but not gettting any information about what the numbers mean until we finally have our what's next appointment in a few weeks.  Obviously I've turned to Dr. Google, specifically in regards to my AMH level, but apparently there are different ways to measure AMH, and my results page on my chart doesn't tell me which they've used - it's either really good, or borderline just okay.  Awesome.

Aside from not taking drugs to help make a baby, I've been working my butt off trying to make our house look cuter.  I don't want to go into too much detail - I have a post in my drafts folder all about it - but I think it's safe to say my mission is pretty successful so far.  We still have a long way to go, but progress is always a win in my book.

So yeah, that's pretty much all of the important stuff that's been going on in the past few weeks.  Hopefully all of the less important stuff (like making lesson plans and printing busy work for two 3 hour shifts of daycare or dealing with drama from daycare parents - ugh) will ease up now that we're pretty set in a routine, leaving me more time to work on fun stuff like these boring posts :).