27 February 2014

Third Time's a Charm?

First of all, it's been a ridiculously long time since I've posted anything.  My bad.  I don't even have an excuse for my absence - I wrote posts, I just never got around to publishing them.  Whoops.  Moving on ...

Our second IUI didn't work, and that really sucked, because I had a really good feeling.  Things seemed to improve with the second cycle, despite a slight hiccup in the beginning (at my CD3 ultrasound, my lining hadn't thinned enough, so I had to delay the meds by a day).  I had a slightly better response to the Letrozole this time - I had one almost ready follicle at my mid-cycle ultrasound, B gave me the trigger shot (his first time!) 2 days after the mid-cycle, and we did the IUI 36 hours later.  My progesterone level at 7dpo was 42 this time (last time it was 35), and I was feeling really reflux-y toward the end of the 2 week wait, which really got my hopes up.  Unfortunately the beta came back negative, with a value of 2.

B and I both decided we would rather just try again right away, so when AF arrived, I called the RE's office and went in on Tuesday to get the all clear to start meds this week.  My mid-cycle scan is scheduled for next Friday, and with any luck, we'll be going in for our 3rd IUI early the following week.  It feels like things are moving really fast this time, but I think it's because I'm so used to taking a month off between cycles.  I'm so glad we decided to just move forward this time.

Other exciting things that have been happening:  we decided to spend our tax refund money on a new sofa.  We love our new Karlstad sectional.  We went on a mini-getaway this weekend to Minneapolis.  B went to WWE events 3 nights in a row (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday).  I finally finished the entire series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and I ended up enjoying the show more than I thought I would).  I made some progress on my Project Life album, but I'm still kind of behind.  I think that's pretty much everything.

03 February 2014

Lucky 7

Seven years ago today B, asked me if I maybe wanted to go out with him sometime or something (which was clearly code for "you + me = true love. Be with me forever?") - we started dating, and we haven't looked back.

We've been through a lot in the last 7 years, but we've made it through together.  Here's hoping that this year will be a lucky one.

I love you, potato. Xoxo