For the individuals who didn't take IF acronyms as a second language, the title translates to 5 days post 5 day transfer. On Sunday, we had a textbook perfect transfer with two excellent quality B+ embryos.
Since they have arrived in my uterus, I've been talking to the embryos - mostly in my head, sometimes outloud - asking them to get cozy. I've been telling them how much I want them, and it's okay if they make me feel sick for a while, it's okay if they grow and punch my organs from the inside ... I just hope at least one of them listened. I've been calling them the hulk babies because they're green in the picture we received from the Embryologist.
This 2 week wait has been pretty much torture for me so far. After everything we've done, I just want to know now if it worked out or not. Patience is clearly not one of my strengths. Yesterday I went in for labs on estrogen and progesterone, and that ended up bringing me some added stress, the last thing I need. My progesterone level was pretty low - 14.4 - so they have added in more progesterone supplementation in the form of Endometrin suppositories twice a day. They're expensive (of course), but at least they come with an applicator so I don't have to manually put them in my hoo ha. I'm trying to just go with it and not let the numbers and the meds get to me, but the fear that it's a bad indication overwhelms me sometimes. The whole process overwhelms me sometimes, honestly.
My beta lab is scheduled for the middle of next week, and I'm not planning on testing early. It's tempting, but B would prefer that I wait (and my bestie agreed with him), so I'm going to resist the internet cheapies calling my name. Waiting isn't going to be easy - it's that patience thing again - but it's only a few more days ... Hopefully they go quickly and end in good news.