I've been meaning to post for a few weeks now - I'm such a slacker. Between writing thank you cards, washing baby laundry, and the last few weeks of babysitting, I just haven't had the attention span to sit down and write anything. I know it's only going to get more difficult after baby arrives, but I'm hoping to etch out some time at least once a month to update after he's here in an attempt to help me keep up with his baby book. Anyway, enough of my rambling, here are the updates!
In about a week - maybe even less (!!!), this kid will be on the outside, and I kind of can't believe it. I'm definitely getting into the crunch-time/final countdown phase - making lists on top of lists of things I need or would like to get done before this dude arrives and attempting to get a little more organized (although let's face it, organization is not my strength).
I am very lucky to have several friends who have recently had babies to rely on for information about things that I need or don't need and tips on how to prepare for labor and life at home. I've been asked by a few people if I feel "ready" and the answer to that is - I hope so! Obviously there are a bunch of smaller things that I'd like to get done before this little guy arrives, but I think we're pretty set on the big stuff. I'm not sure that I'm 100% ready to be responsible for this tiny, needy little thing 24/7, but I have a pretty good idea of what to do (I think). I know B is nervous about the baby's upcoming arrival - mostly because of the huge change in lifestyle. But ready or not, he's coming soon, so we'll just have to deal. We've been making plans to do some of the activities we usually do - baseball games and the comic convention - and we're bringing the dude with us, so hopefully we'll be able to maintain some of our non-parent lifestyle with a baby in tow. I've heard from experienced parents that it's do-able with one, especially when they're small and not mobile, hopefully this baby is easy and we can follow their path.
At my 36 week appointment, the "fun" started. I had my Group B strep test done, and found out the results at my 37 week appointment - negative! So I won't have to worry about antibiotics during labor, which is good (although I have heard it's really not too bad. I'm just glad for one less thing to think about). I also got some exciting news during my first cervical check - I was about 70% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated. I was really not expecting any progress, and my doctor was a little surprised as well. She mentioned that this was a good sign, and believes that the baby will be coming sooner than his due date. I didn't make much change between appointments - at 37 weeks, I had only dilated a teensy bit more, up to almost a 2, still 70% effaced, and there was no change between weeks 37 and 38. I'm planning on getting some nice walks in, and maybe some squats to help encourage his head to push down and open things up a bit :). Baby has started to drop, so that's exciting. I noticed a week ago when it was easier for me to breathe, and a friend of mine said the bump looked a little lower. The pressure on my bladder is definitely increased, so I'm taking that as a good sign! I have to admit, I was really disappointed that progress has stalled. I would really like for baby to come a little early, but he needs to come some time this week for that to happen.
I'm still feeling pretty good most of the time - I feel like maybe I'm a bit of a special snowflake when it comes to pregnancy, because I really don't have much to complain about. I've had some swelling in my feet and a little in my legs, but not constantly and it's been easy to manage. Heartburn has come back, but not in full force. I get a little burpy at night, but a Tums and an extra pillow help. I've had a few contractions - probably Braxton Hicks - but nothing painful, just different enough to notice. Oh, and baby has decided to start head butting me in the lady bits, which is a little uncomfortable, but I don't mind because I know it means he's getting into position.
I really hope this baby comes soon. I'm so excited to meet him!!