31 December 2012

Planning A New Year

With a new year starting tomorrow (where did this year go?), I’ve started thinking about what I’d like to work on for the next year. Looking back at last year’s goals (and the updates I wrote about them), I’m super disappointed in myself. Because I did such a crappy job following through this year, my 2013 goals/resolutions list is pretty long - hopefully I can stick to them a little better.

My 2013 goals and resolutions, in no particular order …

* Learn to do new things - Thanks to Pinterest, there are quite a few things that I’d like to learn how to do. One of the top things on my list is to learn how to use power tools. I have come across quite a few things that I’d like to build (or at least assist in building) for our home, like a platform bed frame, end tables, and a shoe storage cubby. B’s dad is our go-to guy for all of our carpentry needs, but I would like to be able to help without being scared of the tools, plus it would be nice to be able to do some of the small stuff myself. I have also fallen in love with the gorgeous chalkboards, hand lettered signs, and calligraphy envelopes that everyone and their mom is pinning lately, so I’m hoping to practice my lettering technique this year. Another thing on my list of things I’d like to learn isn’t exactly new - I want to learn how to scrapbook. I mean, I kind of know how (you stick pictures onto paper and slap them in a book) - but I’ve never completed a scrapbook. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever really even started a scrapbook. That’s going to change in 2013 - I have a ton of paper and other assorted scrapbooking supplies, and I’m going to use them (once I get my craft room clean)!

*Start Meal Planning - we do a watered down version of meal planning every week before grocery shopping, so I’m hoping this won’t be too difficult for us. I would like to build up a variety of recipes to draw from (we pretty much eat the same meals every week and it gets boring) and begin meal planning for a couple of weeks at a time. Hopefully that will help cut down on the amount of grocery shopping we have to do, and maybe even lower the amount of money we spend on groceries each month. B and I hate grocery shopping, so if we can do less grocery shopping, it’s a win for both of us.

* Follow the Budget - I guess to follow through with this resolution, we’ll first have to set up an actual budget to follow. We have a loose budget thrown together, but I don’t really know much about where our money goes, so I’d like to be more involved. I am really bad at walking away from extra expenses, so I want to work on that - I don’t need more clothes, more paper, fast food … I need to cut back. It’s definitely going to be a challenge.

* Keep up with House - I’ve started working on this a little already because we started having weekly game nights a couple months ago, but I have already been slacking again lately, so I need to get back on the wagon. Because of my split shift, I have plenty of time in the middle of the day to get housework done, but chores typically lose out to nap time. I’m trying to work on it. I would love to get organized in 2013 as well. My things are never put away where they belong - it drives B crazy, but he puts up with my mess. I really want to get myself under control in 2013.

* Post on Blog Regularly - easier said than done. My goal is one post a week minimum, which seems manageable … the only problem is that I’m super boring, so unless I get KU soon, I might not have anything to blog about.

*Make Healthier Choices - I’ve been a little more adventurous in trying foods I didn’t think I liked before. It turns out I love asparagus, spinach salads, and guacamole (not all at the same time). I want to continue trying different veggies and eating healthier, and definitely work on cutting down portion sizes. Skipping dessert once in a while wouldn’t be a bad idea either. My other stereotypical goal is to work on being more active. I haven’t been walking as much as I used to, so I need to start doing something - probably yoga. I have a few videos that I like to follow along with, but I don’t do them very often, so in 2013, I’d like to do videos twice a week. We’ll see how that shapes up.

*Take More Pictures - We have a ton of empty picture frames, and I want to fill them. B and I don’t have many pictures together (aside from our wedding pictures) because we aren’t the most photogenic people. I’m hoping to figure out a way to take more pictures of us and actually get them printed so we can hang them. I’m thinking about attempting to do Project 365 so at the very least I have some random things from our daily life to frame. If I follow through with it, I might even put together a family yearbook.

*Be a Better Wife - I’m still working on changing the way I talk to B. It’s a difficult habit to change, especially when we have the same sense of humor.

* Follow Through - the most difficult resolution of all. Obviously I failed at this in 2012 because most of my goals and resolutions were incomplete. I’m a work in progress when it comes to following through with things - I have great intentions and zero motivation. I’m hoping I can improve on this in the new year.

So there they are … 2013 is going to be a year of change. I hope.

10 December 2012


I didn’t even make it to my test date.  Stupid AF decided to show up early - ugh.  I called my NP’s office right after I got done with work this morning, and I’m assuming I’ll get a call back at some point today to set up a CD3 baseline ultrasound, and then I’ll start the whole process over again.  Yay.

Ugh, I really was hoping that this was it.  On to the next …

05 December 2012

Today is 6DPO.  I think.

Last week on Wednesday and Thursday, my CBEFM did something amazing - it gave me a peak reading.  I had positive OPK’s those days as well.  Words can’t even describe how shocking that was to me.  I went in to the clinic on Thursday for the hCG trigger just to be sure … my fingers are crossed.

My current plan is to test on the 13th (that should be long enough for all of the trigger to be out of my system).  I’m hoping the next week goes quickly.  I have some things planned to keep me busy - Friday night will be our 6th consecutive game night held at our house, and my sister-in-law and a good friend are coming up to do some holiday baking this weekend.  At the very least, the next few days should pass quickly … the four days after that will be the worst.

As far as my intuition goes … I have no inkling either way.  Maybe after another few days it’ll kick in.