02 December 2013

IUI #1 - Crossed Off the List

It's official, I can now cross IUI off of my "tried it" list.  I was kind of nervous that it wasn't going to happen -I've had too many canceled cycles.  I was so relieved at my appointment last Friday when my nurse told me I had one very close follicle (17mm), and a second not far behind (14 or 15mm). I was completely expecting them to say my follicles weren't responding strong enough to continue.

Here was my IUI cycle timeline:
CD3 - baseline
CD3-7 - Letrozole
CD11 - follicle check, largest one was 14mm
CD13 - follicle check, largest one 17 mm
CD14 - trigger!
CD16 - IUI

The procedure itself was relatively painless - I think the worst part was the damn speculum.  It sounds like the different factors are looking pretty good for us - B's post-wash count was great, my lining was looking nice and fluffy on Friday, and I can definitely feel that trigger shot working it's magic on righty.  I've been having some cramping on my right side pretty much all afternoon, which I think is a good thing.

After the procedure, the nurse laid out the plan for the rest of the cycle.  This Friday I start the progesterone, then on Monday I go in to have my progesterone level checked to make sure it could sustain a pregnancy.  After that, I wait until the 14th or 15th for the main event - the beta.  Oooh, my favorite part of the day - as we were walking out to the lobby to leave, we saw my favorite nurse (I know it's not nice to have favorites, but she has the best personality, and she was the first nurse we met when we had our initial consultation.  We bonded.  The rest of the nurses are a bit more ... laid back, which is nice, but ... I just love her bubbly personality).  She was really happy to see us, and asked how it went, and told us she was crossing her fingers and toes.  I seriously love the staff at our clinic.

I've been trying to remind myself that this isn't a sure thing, and I need to have reasonable expectations.  It's been hard to not get my hopes up.  Now I just have to wait it out to see what happens ... this is going to be a long 12 (or 13) days.


  1. Good luck! Really hope it worked! I also had a fave fertility nurse. It makes such a difference to have a supporter like that. I did two IUI in the end and was about to do IVF when I got pregnant with a miracle baby. He is pushing around his train as I type this. Hang in there girl. Onestepatatime.co.za

    1. It's so lovely to hear about success stories - I'm so happy to hear that you have your miracle :).

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