28 August 2014

Introducing: the 30 Day Challenge

Earlier this month, I started toying with the idea of doing a 30 day blogging challenge, focusing on the topic of infertility.  I've been an epic failure at keeping up this blog, and a challenge is my way of forcing myself to write.  After looking through some previous challenges and some brainstorming, I have compiled a list of 30 topics to write about - one for each day of September - that will hopefully be interesting and entertaining.  I would love to have friends in this challenge, so if you're interested, link your blog in the comments :).

Here are the questions/topics:
  1. Let's start off kind of easy.  List 7 things about yourself so we can get to know you better.
  2. Do you have any rituals or superstitions that you feel bring you good luck for appointments?
  3. Share a few songs that are on your infertility playlist.
  4. If money wasn't an issue, what would your dream vacation be?
  5. Share your infertility mantra and/or quotes that you like.
  6. I know there are millions, but what is your number one infertility related pet peeve?
  7. If you could go back and change one minor event in your infertility journey, what would it be?
  8. How has infertility changed you?
  9. Share your favorite fertility friendly recipe or your go-to infertility comfort food.
  10. What is one positive thing going on in your life right now?
  11. What creative ways to get organized or document/track your treatment cycles have you used or seen?
  12. #IFproblems - Tell us an embarrassing or silly story about the crazy infertility related things you've done or experienced.
  13. Tell us about your hobbies and life outside of infertility.
  14. What characteristics/traits/values do you hope to instill in your (future) child(ren)?
  15. Write an open letter to anyone.  It can be infertility related or not, just get what you need off your chest.
  16. What is your favorite children's story?
  17. What are your go-to sources for infertility resources, information, and support?
  18. Share 5 guilty (or not-so-guilty) pleasures that help you get through bad days.
  19. Describe your perfect day.
  20. Tell us about something you are passionate about.
  21. Infertility can make marriage not so fun.  What tips and tricks do you have to keep your marriage fresh?
  22. Partners are sometimes lost in the infertility shuffle.  Share a few things that you appreciate and love about your partner.
  23. I think we've all seen the obnoxious "I make babies, what's your superpower?" meme.  Share your infertility superpower.
  24. TTC, BFN, IVF - infertility is full of difficult to decipher acronyms.  Come up with a new infertility acronym to add to the list. 
  25. Share your best advice to a person newly diagnosed with infertility or for a family member or friend of a person newly diagnosed with infertility.
  26. Describe a new invention or app that would make life easier/better for infertiles.
  27. Share an outfit that makes you look and feel awesome, even when you're having a blah day.
  28. What are some ways that you raise infertility awareness in your day-to-day life?
  29. Tell us 5 things that are on your bucket list.
  30. Share an infertility related blog that you enjoy reading.
I tried to select topics that were general enough to be written about at any stage of infertility, and I also tried to be extra sensitive so as not to offend anyone.  If there are any topics that you think are questionable, please don't hesitate to let me know!  Thanks, and I hope you join and enjoy!

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