I meant to post this last week, but I've been a terrible slacker. I am firmly in the third trimester now - I'm pretty sure I say it every time, but I can't believe how fast this is going! I also feel like every time I write, it's basically the Lego Movie song on repeat - everything is awesome! Things are continuing to go well (knock on wood) and I really can't complain. (Well, I mean, I could, but not about anything too major.) My OB warned me that the 3rd trimester is probably the most difficult because of the rapid changes and preparations for labor that kick in, so I'm definitely interested to see how this all plays out.
Speaking of how this will play out, we attended our birth and labor class a few weekends ago. The instructor was fun and didn't putz around, so we actually finished way ahead of schedule (like, 2.5 hours ahead of schedule). Some of the other preggos in the class asked some questions that I had on my mind, which was very helpful. Overall, I felt like the class was useful, so that's a win. After the class, we went on the hospital tour. The hospital is only a few years old, and they're finishing a remodel of the L&D unit, so everything is really new and fresh. We'll probably end up taking the tour again after the Breastfeeding class I signed up for in early May because the remodel will be done by then, and the unit will be different. They're opening up more L&D rooms, they built a bigger NICU, and they're adding doors to make it a locked unit. The rooms are really spacious - each one is private, and everything happens in that one room - labor, delivery, and postpartum. It's nice to not have to deal with switching from one room to another.
I had my 27 week OB appointment a couple weeks ago, and I got to do the lovely gestational diabetes screening. I was able to get the drink before my appointment, so the wait for the blood draw wasn't too bad. The appointment went well - my belly is still measuring on track, my weight gain was good (+2 lbs since last time, up a total of 8-9), and baby was really easy to find on the doppler. I was able to record a 5 second snip of his heartbeat on my phone, and I sent that to my mom and sisters - they loved it. The glucose test wasn't too bad really - I had my choice of orange or lemon-lime for the drink - I chose orange because I heard lemon-lime is gag-worthy. It tasted pretty much how I expected - like 1,000 melted popsicles mixed with flat Hi-C Orange from McDonald's. The results were posted on my online chart on Thursday, but I didn't get the official call until Friday (and of course I missed it, so they had to leave a voicemail). Thankfully it was good news - I passed! My result came back at 123 (the cutoff was 139). My next appointment is scheduled for 30 weeks (this upcoming Wednesday!), and then I'll start the every 2 weeks schedule. Crazy!!
I think I may have caught the nesting bug. Or maybe I just really want to get some spring cleaning done. Either way, I've been strangely motivated to get housework done lately - I've been mopping and vacuuming floors, organizing and rearranging rooms (so we can start getting nursery furniture bought/assembled), and I even did some stain treatment on some of the hand-me-down clothes we were given. I tried the miracle stain removal recipe that I've seen 1,000 times on Pinterest - two parts hydrogen peroxide to one part each of Dawn dish soap and baking soda. The first load of clothes that I washed came out with mixed results - most of the clothes came out looking like they had never been worn, some of them still had a little staining. I think not letting the mixture sit on the clothes for at least an hour is partly to blame. I re-treated and re-washed the remaining clothes, following the directions a bit more closely, and there was more improvement. There are a few outfits that still have a little bit of staining, but it really isn't that noticeable, and our kid is just going to spit up all over them anyway, so they're good enough in my book.
With the 3rd trimester sneaking up on me like this, I wanted to do a fun countdown to baby. One of my sisters suggested a countdown chain, so that's what I did. I cut some patterned paper into strips and used a tape runner to connect them. Unfortunately, the tape runner was kind of cheap, so a bunch of the strips came undone and I had to re-make the chain using staples. It turned out really cute, and we hung it from some hooks in one of the corners in our living room. It's a fun little decoration as well as a reminder that we are now only 73 (!!!) days away from baby's due date.
Aside from all of the small things that need to be done before baby gets here (finishing the nursery - happening this weekend, actually!, washing small clothes, packing a hospital bag, etc), we don't have a lot of exciting things coming up. I have a breastfeeding basics and storage class in a few weeks, and my shower at the end of next month, and that's about all before baby comes (unless I'm missing something).
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