09 November 2015

4 Months!

Time continues to fly by - the little dude is already 4 months old (and then some)!  This month has been really fun.  His personality is showing more and more (I think we have a future class clown on our hands), and I can really see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out new things.  I'm pretty sure he keeps getting more and more adorable as he grows also.  This kid could be a baby model, he's so gorgeous ... I might be a little biased though.  We had a lot of stuff going on again this month, and little buddy really surprised me with how well he adapts to different situations.  It's great that he can be so flexible while also having a somewhat normal routine at home.

Nicknames: Squeak, Yum Yum, Yummers, Tiny Daddy (sometimes - he's starting to look more like his own person), Little Love, Bright Eyes, Monkey, Buddy

Stats: 17 lb 8 oz, 26.25 inches - in the 85th percentile for weight, 90th for height. Size 3 diapers. 3-6 month/6 month clothes (although the one piece pants outfits are a little difficult to snap in the leg area)

Feeding: all breast milk, all the time! He's finally going 2-3 hours between feedings, sometimes even longer if we're busy, and a normal feed is 5-12 minutes long (unless he's sleep nursing).  If he nurses longer than 10 ish minutes, he tends to spit up shortly after he's done, which makes me think his belly gets too full.  I'm still only pumping sporadically, and typically get around 2+ oz per session (combined) in about 10 minutes.  I need to be a little better about building a small freezer stash so he can practice with bottles.  We're going to B's work Christmas party in December, so little dude needs to take bottles well (and I need to have enough pumped milk) so he can stay with a babysitter.

Sleeping:  I'm breaking all of the sleep rules and I don't care.  Drowsy but awake isn't really a state of alertness for our little guy. He's either awake or sleeping, not much in between.  He often nurses to sleep, although he has started falling asleep for naps on his own in the swing or in the Rock N Play with a lovey.  He doesn't sleep long when he's not being held, though.  At night, he nurses and snuggles to sleep, and sleeps in the Rock N Play for most of the night, but when he wakes for the second time (usually, sometimes it's the first if we're having a good night) at 3am, he stays in bed with us.  We need to get serious about rearranging our room so we can switch him to the Pack N Play for bedtime, and eventually move him to the crib - probably in the new year when he's hopefully sleeping through the night (or at least close to it).

Likes: being held, moose, blowing spit bubbles, drooling, pacifier, mommy singing silly songs

Dislikes: being in the car seat for long periods, loud noises


  • First Cold (he handled it so well. He was slightly more fussy, but he fought it off pretty quickly and tolerated the bulb syringe really well when I used it to clear his nose.)
  • Family pictures taken
  • Rolled back to tummy ... Once
  • First wedding

Mom Achievement: gained back some of that weight I had lost :-/. It's not really an achievement, but it's all I've got this month.

Recent Google Searches:

  • How to encourage infant to roll over
  • Constipation in breastfed infant
  • Activities to entertain 4 month old
  • Developmental milestones 4 month old

As much as I miss my buddy being tiny and easy to snuggle, it's a lot of fun to see him learn new things and become slightly more independent. I'm finally able to get more stuff done around the house (by that I mean I can work on catching up on our family scrapbook for the year).  I'm trying my best to soak up every moment with him as he's growing because it's going so quickly.  I live for the the quiet little moments - like when the lights are off and he falls asleep in my arms at night, and I can feel him get heavier as he drifts deeper into sleep - it's the most perfect moment of my day.

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