Nicknames: Yum Yum, Yummers, Monkey, Prince Pretty
Stats: about 18 lbs 10 oz, unsure of length, wears 3-6 month clothes (bodysuits with snapped legs/feetie jams are getting snug, 9 months fit better in these styles), size 3 diapers
Feeding: still exclusively breastfed, we still haven't introduced bottles (oops!), and I still rarely pump.
Sleeping: we're still experiencing middle of the night wakings, and sometimes he won't go back to sleep without nursing. B and I have talked about moving him into a Pack n Play in our room to get him used to laying flat and being slightly farther away from me, but we need to get rid of some extra furniture in our room before we can do that. I'm hoping that transitioning him will help him sleep longer and not need midnight snacks.
Likes: rolling over, tummy time, jumperoo (for little bursts), Moose toy, pacifier
Dislikes: loud, unexpected noises, laying still for diaper changes; waiting for me to get prepared to feed him
- Rolls back to front
Recent Google searches:
- How to teach baby to roll from front to back
- Signs of teething
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