26 November 2012

Blood Work 2.0

I got the call from my NP’s office this morning - my estradiol level was pretty low (103 - it needed to be closer to 300).  Womp womp.

Another e2 test was ordered for today.  This time I was able to have it done at my local clinic, so B didn’t have to take more time off to take me to yet another appointment.  I’m so glad it worked out that way - I feel really bad when he misses work for me.

Anyway, the nurse at the clinic had to take the blood from the same side as it was taken on Saturday (lefty) because the vein on my right side wasn’t cooperating.  I already had a lovely looking bruise in the crease of my elbow - it’s going to be even more glorious later tonight.

I’m not feeling as optimistic about this cycle as I was on Saturday.  I have a feeling that the results of this blood test will come back lower than it was before.  Maybe the next cycle will be more successful - it has to be, right?!  (I know the answer is no, it doesn’t have to be … but I’m trying not to think negative thoughts)  This process is really taking a toll on me lately - I need it to be over soon, but I’m not willing to give up.

24 November 2012

Follow Up

Today I had my CD15 follow up appointment, and I think the information I got today sounds pretty promising.

I have one good-sized follie on the right side, measuring about 15.4mm.  I had blood drawn to test my Estradiol level.  If the E2 comes back in the 300 range, I’ll most likely be having another ultrasound on Monday, along with getting the hCG trigger shot.  I’m expecting the results to show up in my online chart some time tomorrow, but I’ll get the official word from the NP’s office Monday morning around 8 AM.

I’m optimistic, but trying to stay connected to reality - this cycle might be successful, but it might not.  Those daydreams are pretty nice though.

As much as I don’t want to start a new work week, I can’t wait for Monday.

19 November 2012

Appointment Update

Last Wednesday, I finally had my appointment with the Nurse Practitioner my doctor referred me to.

I was nervous all morning leading up to the appointment, but thankfully, the appointment itself wasn’t awful at all - I really liked the NP, and I got some very good information.  The ultrasound was quick and painless.  My ute looked good, however … I finally got the diagnosis that I’ve been worried about since we started TTC - it turns out I have PCOS.  I’ve had a suspicion all along, despite being told that my blood work came back in normal ranges, so I wasn’t completely shocked by the diagnosis, but it still sucks.  At least now I know for sure, and we can attempt to treat the problem.

After the ultrasound, I sat down with my NP (after getting dressed again, obviously) and she laid out the plan for the rest of this cycle. She renewed my prescription for Clomid, but decreased it to 50mg instead of 100mg to hopefully avoid more cramping.  I have a follow up ultrasound scheduled for CD15 (the Saturday after Thanksgiving), and if I have a good looking follicle, I have the option of getting an hCG trigger shot so that I’ll ovulate, and then … we “get busy” and wait.  A week later, I’ll have to go back to get my progesterone levels tested again, and that finishes out this cycle.

There is a lot to be excited about for this cycle.  I’ll have a chance to see what is actually going on inside my ovaries on Saturday.  We’ll find out if the Clomid is working the way it’s supposed to or not.  We’ll have a plan in place for the next cycle if this one isn’t successful.  We will be one step closer to having our family.  All of these things are great for keeping me positive about this process.  And if it doesn’t work out this time, I’m hoping the plan will make the disappointment sting a little less.

I have until Saturday afternoon to keep my hopes reasonably high, and I’m going to keep sending egg grow-y vibes to my ovaries so that we have something to work with on Saturday.  Wish me luck :)