I ended up surviving the Follistim injections, and it really was not as bad as I had imagined it would be - I really didn't even feel the needle, and after the first couple, it didn't even phase me anymore. Anyway, all of those injections paid off, and the prize so far ... was another injection. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Last Thursday was follicle check number 1 (CD10). I had a leftover 23mm monster cyst (it was 13mm on CD1), but otherwise things looked decent. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the ultrasound exam room was that they had a new exam chair, which was beyond exciting for me - definitely a sign that I spend too much time there. I visited the vampires in the lab so they could test my estradiol (the stupid hormone that always fucks everything up), and my RE called with the results that night - 210, the highest I've ever shown. Booyah!
Saturday, I had another trip to the lab to have my estradiol tested. Unfortunately, the lab didn't get my results entered as quickly as they were supposed to, so I got a call Saturday night letting me know that I would get the results on Sunday, and I was told to take another dose of Follistim that night. I didn't do that though, because we didn't get home until late - we were celebrating the first birthday of my friend's adorable baby girl and enjoying a mini college reunion. It was so nice to catch up with my friends - much needed.
Sunday morning, the results phone call wasn't as great as I had hoped - my estradiol was only up to 216, so I had to keep my appointment that was set for Monday afternoon, and wait to trigger until I was given the okay. I also ended up giving myself that last Follistim shot.
On Monday, I was supposed to start in the lab to get my estradiol tested again, but I wasn't able to get there early enough and the lab was a zoo, so I decided I'd just finish up there instead. Like I mentioned in the opening, my second follicle check was really good - triple layer utey lining, the monster cyst was gone, and I had 2 follicles, 19mm and 15mm. My RE's outlook was very positive, and she said that we would determine when I should trigger after my estradiol results came back the next day.
Finally, on Tuesday morning, I was just finishing up our "morning meeting" at work when I felt my phone ring (yes, I answered my personal phone at work, which is totally against policy. And I don't care, because it was an important phone call). My estradiol came back at 264, so I was told to give myself the trigger injection (my prize!) later on Tuesday, have some scheduled intimate time with my hubster (scheduled sex is such a turn on ... not), and then go in next Wednesday for a progesterone test. After that, it's the long wait until we find out if we caught the egg.
So that gets us updated to today ... I'm feeling cautiously hopeful - I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to when things seem to be going so well. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks if all of this worked out.