05 July 2013


I apologize in advance if this post makes no sense - my brain is all kinds of jumbled right now.  Also, be warned that this post is pretty much all about AF, so if you want to avoid a TMI-fest, move on now.

Last weekend, I noticed that I had started spotting, which was absolutely amazing to me - it's been so long since I've started AF without the help of Provera.  On Monday night, the spotting was a little heavier, and by mid-day Tuesday, I was certain that AF had finally arrived - it definitely seemed like a full flow.  I called the clinic, and because of a long workday on Wednesday and the holiday on Thursday (which would be CD3, when I typically have the baseline), it was decided that I would come in for the last appointment on Tuesday (on CD1) for my baseline ultrasound.  My ultrasound came back normal, I talked with a nurse about setting up an appointment for my HSG, and my RE gave me a lot of information about injectables, because I'm starting those this cycle (holy shit).  It was a lot of information to take in, and I'm surprised I didn't completely break down when we got to the car.  Instead of turning into a sobbing mess, I turned to my BFF the Internet for support from my friends who have gone through or are currently going through infertility treatments, and to research the least expensive supplier of injectables.  (Spoiler Alert:  injectables are expensive everywhere.  The best choice I found was Walgreen's Specialty - after enrolling in the Design Rx program, the cost will come to $254.  My second choice was Freedom Fertility, at $256.)

On Wednesday, I got a call from one of the nurses letting me know when my HSG had been scheduled (next Wednesday at 10:45), and I used that opportunity to ask about my cycle being wonky.  I explained that I was only spotting again, that I only briefly had full flow, and that I was confused about what was happening.  She told me that sometimes it's normal for AF to start, then stop, then start again, so I should just wait it out, and if there was no increase by Friday, give them a call again to figure out what's next.

Because I am clearly cursed, there was no change over the last couple of days.  Still just spotting, and barely that.  I called this morning to talk to a nurse, and she said just go ahead with things as planned (although now the medications will all be pushed back a day).  So that was the plan ... until I got a phone call from my clinic this afternoon.  She said that my RE has requested a blood pregnancy test to make sure that all of our bases are covered (even though the odds of that being the cause of this stupid, semi-non-existent AF are slim to none).  Unless I hitchhike, that's going to have to wait until tomorrow.

When we started with treatments over a year ago, I knew that things weren't going to be easy.  What I didn't expect was that things would become so damn complicated.  I'm ready for everything to fall into place ... any day now would be perfect.

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