26 September 2014

Blog Challenge Day 26: IF Invention and IVF Update

One of my infertility pet peeves, which I surprisingly forgot to include in my ranty pet peeve post, is when people, especially people who should know better, say implanting embryos instead of transferring.  This common misconception about the IVF process is the inspiration for an invention that I think would revolutionize the IVF process.  That invention is the technology that will allow RE's to actually implant the embryos into the uterus.  Science is getting close with the production of EmbryoGlue, a compound that is supposed to make embryos more sticky to increase chances of implantation.  Maybe in the future, implanting embryos will be a possibility.

*****IVF Update:  I didn't realize it had been so long since I last updated (last update was 9/5, after my surgery).  Tonight was my 8th night of stims, and I've had 3 monitoring appointments.  So far, I've been responding pretty well, and my original dowse of 5 units of Lupron, 75 units of Menopur, and 125 units of Follistim have remained unchanged.  Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the number of follicles and their growth.  Lefty is being a problem child, as usual, and not producing as many follicles (and most of the ones that are there are smaller), but my RE is very satisfied with how things are going so far, and she's the expert, so I'm just trying to go with the flow.  I have abother monitoring appointment on Sunday, and hopefully then I'll find out my trigger and retrieval dates.  I can't believe we're getting so close the the finis line of this cycle.  Today was the first day that I felt uncomfortable in my abdominal region - maybe the bloat wasn't as noticable until now because of my extra blubber layers.  I'm planning on taking things pretty easy this weekend to help with the discomfort.

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