30 March 2013

Totally Radical, Dude

It’s a 90’s throwback weekend for B and I. We started off our day seeing Jurassic Park in 3D, and we’ll be ending our evening at the BMO Harris Bradley Center for a 90’s night Bucks game, complete with halftime performance by Vanilla Ice. I’m a big fan of the 90’s and Vanilla Ice, so this is a pretty epic day for me. Except for the whole Jurassic Park thing. I didn’t really dig that. (Get it?!? Dig. Dinosaurs. Good one)

22 March 2013


Yesterday was my 27th birthday, and even though I’m not a fan of getting older, it was one of my favorite birthdays (number one is my 25th - it wasn’t really even because we did anything special, but we were in Atlanta on our delayed honeymoon, and it was just really nice to be on vacation with my hubster on my birthday).

B really spoiled me in the gift department this year. He bought us tickets to see Wicked, The Sims 3: University Life expansion pack, and - the ice cream on the cake - an iPad mini and a keyboard case. Seriously - so spoiled. Coming up with gift ideas for his birthday this June is going to be exponentially more difficult (which sucks, because buying B gifts is super difficult in the first place). Even though I am a grown-ass woman, I was also spoiled by my mommy. I sent her links to iPad cases as a joke, and she ended up buying me my favorite one. I’m seriously so lucky to have such an amazing family.

B and I were able to go out to lunch together yesterday - he took a midday break to take me to the clinic for a blood draw (blood pregnancy test before being prescribed Provera - negative, obviously). I love spending time with him, so it was really special to spend a little extra time with him.

After I got home from the clinic, the internet gave me a birthday gift too. The 98th episode of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was posted on YouTube, and *spoiler alert* Lizzie and Darcy kissed. Ahhhh! It was great. I loved reading Pride and Prejudice in high school (I’ve read it probably 3 or 4 times by now, not including reading the trade of the Marvel comic adaptation), so I became very fond of the web series after only a couple of episodes. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is such an awesome web series - the adaptation of the classic story into a modern, web based story is done so well … I highly recommend it. (Thanks to Felicia Day for featuring LBD on The Flog and turning me into an obsessed fangirl.)

One of the final highlights of my birthday was something that was kind of dumb, but it’s the little things that make me happy. I was bumped up to level 27 on The Simpsons: Tapped Out on my 27th birthday (justju21 if you want to add another neighbor-eeno). Pretty cool. :)

So yeah, that’s what’s been happening around here lately (along with a whole lotta nothing). I’ve had the urge to write lately, but I haven’t had anything to say. Hopefully something exciting comes up soon so I can get back to regular updates.