04 October 2015

Two and Three Months

Little dude's 2 month update is way late (of course) because life has been super busy, but his 3 month update is only a little late (ha!), so I'll count that as a win.

The day after he turned 2 months, we had his 2 month appointments (with shots) and we went to Chicago for a long weekend. I decided to include that weekend with the 2 month update rather than waiting for the 3 month update.

Nicknames: Squeak, Yum Yum, Yummers, Tiny Daddy, Little Love, Bright Eyes, Peanut, Monkey, Buddy

Stats: 2 months - 12 lb 7 oz, 23.25 inches at his 2 month check up on 8/20, 3 month clothes, size 1 diapers, starting size 2 diapers; 3 months - about 15 lbs, unsure of length, moving into 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers

Feeding: all breast milk, all the time, straight from the source!  I beat my deadline of weaning from the shield by 6 weeks.  Around 5 weeks, we were only using the shield in the early morning feeds, when it had been a few hours between feeds and my letdown was more intense, and after only a few days, we were able to ditch the shield completely.  Shortly after we ditched the shield, little dude started waiting longer between feeds - usually around 1.5 to 2 hours when we're at home, longer when we're out and about.

Sleeping: still varies - some nights he wakes to eat a few times, the first after 2.5 hours.  Other nights he only wakes to eat once and sleeps for 5 hours. He is doing very well in the rock n play at bedtime, although he is starting to fight the SwaddleMe because he's getting too long.  Hotel sleep was okay - ended up co-sleeping a little. His naps are usually pretty decent, but they would be better if he didn't need to sleep on me. He's taken a handful of naps in the swing or rock n play, but they've never been very long, and he usually wakes up cranky.

Likes: being held, moose, blowing spit bubbles, drooling

Dislikes: 2 months - bouncer (for long periods), the swaddle (starting), waiting to eat (he's very impatient), hiccups; 3 months - hiccups, loud noises (like daddy's sneezes)

  • Started smiling
  • Stopped using shield to nurse 
  • First comic convention 
  • First stay in hotel
  • Starting to lift head when laying down or reclined
  • Discovered his fingers - they're constantly in his mouth
  • First Family Reunion
  • First Farmer's Market
Mom Achievements: At my postpartum appointment, everything was good (I was even almost back to pre-pregnancy weight). Breastfed in a few different public places - in the wrap while in line for celeb photos at comic con, at a park during a family reunion, at the Farmer's Market.

Recent Google Searches: 
  • Thrush
  • Nipple/Breast pain while breastfeeding
  • APNO recipe
  • Side lying breastfeeding position
  • Breastfeeding in Moby wrap
So that's a recap of our very busy last couple of months, and now we're inching into holiday season, which means even more craziness.  It feels like being busy is making the little dude grow faster, and while I am so relieved that he's not colicky anymore, I'm starting to miss the tiny baby he used to be.  I'm very thankful that he is very much a mama's boy and a snuggle monster.  It would be great to get some stuff done while he naps, but I would much rather enjoy naps together before he's too big.

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