27 November 2013

Follicle Status Update

This morning's appointment was kinda meh.  Not a complete bust, just not what I wanted to hear.

The basics: I responded to the new dose of letrozole, and my follicles are "right there" according to the doc I saw today (not my usual RE, and this was the first time I saw other doc. "Hi, nice to meet you. Oh, and here's my hoo-ha."  Not at all awkward).  I had one follicle at 13mm and a couple of smaller ones.  I have the pleasure of having another visit with my BFF the vagcam Friday morning, and other doc was kind enough to draw the bullseye for the trigger shot on my butt (flashing her my bare behind was really fun), even though we won't be needing it for at least a couple of days.  In the meantime, I guess I'll continue listening to my Circle + Bloom tracks and hope that I can magic my follicles into growing.  (To clarify:  I love the Circle + Bloom programs, they help me relax and I feel like they genuinely help me.  I also feel like when I listen to them, I can feel my ovaries growing, hence the magical growth of follicles.)

I can't say that I'm surprised at the situation for 2 reasons.  The first is that I always have the lingering thought that things won't work out, and the second is that it's pretty early in my cycle.  I'm usually ovulate between CD15 and 18, and today is only CD11.  Hopefully those follies are a bit juicer on CD13.

Aside from my mildly disappointing appointment, today was a pretty good day.  I had a post appointment lunch date with my mom, grandma, and my close friend, we did some shopping, and when we got back to the house my sisters arrived.  Those thoughtful little buggers brought me a super comfy hoodie from their college (my alma mater) that has the school name on the chest in green and silver sparkles.  I love it.  I'm wearing it for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  The most interesting part of my day was the few minutes I spent on the phone with my other granny.  I called to let her know I bought the rolls for Thanksgiving dinner so she didn't have to, and she surprised me by asking about my appointment.  I didn't know she knew about it - apparently my dad (her son) has been telling her about what we've been going through.  I told her it was okay, but not great, and braced myself for the typical reaction of an 80+ year old religious woman - and then she surprised me again.  She said "it's a rotten situation.  Keep the faith and know I'm always praying for you."  It was the exact right thing for her to say.  I'm not at all religious, but it feels good to hear that someone is looking out for me like that.

So that's pretty much the full recap.  Hopefully there will be some Thanksgiving magic and Friday's appointment will bring better news.

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving and all, I want to throw in a quick shout out to the lovely IF friends I'm making on Twitter and through blog land.  The support and crossed fingers and positive vibes really mean so much (and I'm sending them out to all of you as well).  I am so thankful that the internet has connected me to all of you! :)

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