31 December 2013

Clean Slate

With the new year approaching, it's about time that I reflect on the past year, and make plans for the next.

I am my own worst critic when it comes to evaluating how I did with my goals and resolutions.  I usually think I did a terrible job, but when I actually step back and look at them honestly, it turns out I didn't do half bad.  My goals for 2013 were pretty much all rollovers from 2012 because I didn't really focus well on my goals and failed to follow through (one of my top priority goals, ironically enough).  I know that a major part of my focusing problem has been that my goals and resolutions have always been hard to measure.  I'm hoping to change that a bit this year.

Goals for 2014:
- Read 1 book/month, and track it on Goodreads.
- Make healthier choices most of the time (80% healthy, 20% not so much).  This means balanced meals with smaller portions, less junk, drinking more water, attempting yoga videos 3x a week, and tracking activity on Wii Fit U.
- Set up a cleaning routine, get organized, and stick with it.
- Start a regular blogging schedule (or at least try to post a little more frequently).  Also, comment more on other bloggers' posts.
- Save more, spend less.  Get impulse purchases under control, plan meals weekly, use coupons, and shop sales.
- Write more - pen and paper style.  Spend more time being creative.
- Start (and finish) a scrapbook - or several.  I know I want to tackle a family yearbook, a mini-album featuring special Christmas ornaments, and I should probably get our wedding pictures arranged nicely somewhere too (it's only been 3.5 years ...).  Possibly make albums for our vacations, and work on my book about our house.
- Use a photo-a-day app, and keep up (at least 4 pictures/week). Take more pictures with B.  Get pictures printed once a month for scrapping or hanging in frames.
- Spend quality time with B - unplugged (or mostly unplugged).
- Learn something new.  New recipe, new craft, new skill - whatever.

So there they are ... kind of a lot of goals, but I'm hoping I can manage.  I think it will help that I'll have a good friend supporting me and keeping me accountable with frequent check-ins.  I need that.

2013 had a few highs and a lot of lows - I'm more than ready to move on to better things. Please, 2014, be kind to us.

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