15 December 2013


It didn't work.

Beta came back at less than 1, meaning no perfectly timed anniversary baby, no success on our first IUI, no good luck whatsoever in our household.  I knew it was coming, and I've been trying to brush it off like no big deal, but it hurts.  Like a crying under my blanket fort trying my best to be quiet and not wake up B kind of hurt.  I didn't think it would be this bad, but I'm so tired of wanting something that feels so far out of reach.  It's exhausting.

The rest of December and early January are going to be particularly busy for B, so we'll be taking the next cycle (whenever that starts) off, and trying another IUI late January.  It's probably for the best that we're taking a short break, but we just finished a break, and now we're losing one more month.  I wish this would get easier, but I just don't see that happening.

Next year will be better, right?  It can't really get much worse.