27 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I do not usually make New Year’s resolutions.

Actually, I say I’m going to do something, and then I come up with excuses for why I didn’t follow through (remember this, it will be on the quiz).  Sometimes I even convince myself that instead of starting on January 1st, I should wait until my birthday in March.  I get 3 extra months to do as I please, and then when it’s time to start the next year of my life, I lose motivation and fail.  I’m a clever one.

This year, I am going to make more of an effort to change my ways.  I really want to follow through with my resolutions.  Here’s the list I’ve come up with so far:

*Be a Better Wife - B puts up with A LOT of crap from me.  This year, my goal is to do better at keeping up the house (Hubs is a neat freak, I am not), to stop being so negative (I bitch and moan to him all the time about work, and it drives him crazy), and to be more loving and less sarcastic.

*Follow Through [SURPRISE!] - This is the thing I get the most crap from B about.  I have a hard time actually finishing things - I write letters over and over, but never finish them or mail them. I start projects and then give up on them (with the exception of our bedroom makeover and such).  It took me nearly a year to write and send a letter to my cousin who lives in Arizona.  I think I wrote almost the same letter about 80 times before I finally sat down, wrote, and decided it was “good enough” to send.  Ridiculous.  Another thing I’m going to try to follow through on … this blog! (and the potential sister blog documenting my pregnancy and the baby and whatnot … you know, whenever that happens).

*Keep in Touch with Friends and Family - I do an awful job of keeping in touch with the people I care about most (as mentioned above, I’m not very good at following through).  Even if it’s only through Facebook or an email, I want to have regular conversations with my friends and family.

*Be More Mindful About my/our Spending - B is due for a promotion and a raise soon, and it sounds like I should be looking forward to my first raise in 2 years in the beginning of the year.  Instead of throwing this extra money away on frivolous things, I want to work on putting more money into savings.

*Read More Books - Probably the only resolution I will follow through on, thanks to our Kindle Fire and our subscription to Amazon Prime (it gives us access to the Kindle Lending Library, so I can “check out” one free book a month).

*Make a Decision about Grad School - I think it’s pretty self-explanatory.  I had been planning on going to graduate school for most of my high school and college careers, then lost the motivation to do it … and now I need to decide if that’s the path I want to follow or not.

I’m going to try my hardest to follow through on these resolutions - we’ll see how it goes.  Maybe I’ll even post about my failures.  Ha!

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