17 July 2012

Progesterone Level Results

When the results showed up on my online chart Monday morning, the first thing I did was a search on Doctor Google - you can’t give me information and not expect me to investigate on my own.  Doctor Google gave me some interesting information (that I took with a grain of salt), but most of what I read online was kind of confirmed by the amazingly sweet OB/GYN nurse I talked to this afternoon.

My level was an 8.22, which is kind of on the low end for ovulation according to the nurse.  I should have asked if what I learned from Doctor Google was true (most things I saw on Doctor Google said that above a 5 means you ovulated, 10 is preferred).  I’m sure there are other questions I should have asked also.  I guess I can just write them down and ask them the next time around (because odds are, there probably will be a “next time”). 

The doctor looked over my results and thought it looked promising enough I guess, because the nurse said the notations stated if I started a new cycle, then we would go with the 50mg of Clomid again, as well as the monitoring and reporting that I did this time around.  Before I hung up, the nurse said “I hope you’re pregnant!  Have a great day!” - I really appreciated that :).  So I guess I’m going to go along with my original plan of waiting for AF next week and testing if she doesn’t show up.  Fun times :). 

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