25 June 2013

Three Calls, That's All

Infertility sucks big time, but it has been helpful in improving my life skills, so I guess that's a bonus (not really).  I have become a phone call ninja - I used to panic when I had to call the doctor's office to make appointments or ask questions, but now I'm kind of a pro.  #humblebrag

When I left off last week, I was waiting for more information from my doctor's office regarding the cost of the HSG.  My doctor's office was amazing at getting back to me about my request - an hour or so after I sent the message, I got one in return that provided the customer service number to call to get an estimate and the CPT code to help get more information.  And this is where the fun started (if you call confusion and multiple phone calls fun) ...

It took 3 calls to my clinic's customer service to finally get my information passed on to the estimate department (it was ridiculous - 2 out of the 3 representatives I talked to had no idea what they were doing), but once they had my information, the turn around was really quick.  I talked to the estimate department representative yesterday morning - all I can say is I'm not looking forward to the bill after the procedure.  Of course that's in addition to the injections that I'll be adding in to the process when the HSG comes back clear  ... BUT we can't even get to that step until AF finally shows up, which doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.  I still have a week and a half before I'm supposed to call to ask for the Provera, and then 10 days of pills, and then AF, and by the time it's all over, we'll have missed the entire month of July.

I feel like I say it all the time, but I've been trying to be less of a bitter Betty - not very successfully, unfortunately.  There are a lot of positive things that I could focus on, but the easier choice has been to be angry or depressed.  We spent last Saturday at the ballpark (snooze) with B's parents, and I had kind of a nice chat with my mother-in-law about all of the crap we're going through.  She went through fertility treatments when they were trying to have B, so she understands - to a degree - what it's like, which is really nice (especially considering that my own mom doesn't get it - at all.  And I don't have the patience or brain power to explain this never-ending nightmare to her again and again ... and there's the anger and bitterness creeping back).  We also have some really great friends, in real life and online, who are so supportive - we're really lucky to have so many amazing people on our side, and I need to work on being more grateful for them and focus on the positive, rather than focusing on the negative all the time.  I'm a work in progress.

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