18 September 2014

Blog Challenge Day 18: Guilty Pleasures

In the last 3 years of trying to conceive, I have had plenty of bad days.  It's impossible to not fall into a funk after a handful of canceled treatment cycles because it's just so disappointing.  Whenever I can feel myself getting particularly down, I usually turn to my guilty pleasures to brighten my mood.

  1. Music - especially 90's and 00's pop.  Turning on my NSYNC or Backstreet Boys Pandora station immediately makes me feel better.  It takes me back to my middle and high school days when I didn't have a lot of responsibilities and the stress melts away.
  2. Chocolate, and lots of it.  Especially in the form of chocolate cake.  There's just something comforting about a chocolate cake that makes the bad days feel less bad.
  3. Crappy/mindless TV or movies - Lifetime movies are great (some are perfect for getting the tears flowing), or shows like Switched at Birth or Pretty Little Liars.  The shows and movies aren't good, but they're entertaining enough to take my mind off of the crappy mood I'm in.
  4. Junk food (not the same as chocolate).  Flaming Hot Cheetos are my favorite junk food.  Salty chips are great too.  I've been trying to stay away from them lately, but when I'm in a bad mood, they're on my grocery list.
The best thing about these not-so-guilty pleasures is that they help make me feel better pretty quickly, even if it doesn't always last very long.  I also love that they're fairly cheap and easy to access, because with the infertility rollercoaster, it's only a matter of time before hitting another low.

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