04 September 2014

Blog Challenge Day 4: Dream Vacation

Question four:  If money wasn't an issue, what would your dream vacation be?

I have never been out of the country, so one of my main goals for a dream vacation would be a location outside of the US.  I have always wanted to see the "pretty ocean" - you know, the one where the water is varying shades of turquoise, with white sand beaches that aren't full of dead jellyfish.  Just like that.  I think somewhere like Turks and Caicos would be a great destination.

I would also love to visit Canada.  Yes, it's much less exotic, but it's also more realistic, and it would have more sentimental value.  One of my best friends lives in Canada, and I would love to go visit her (it would actually be our first time meeting - we met through a shared wedding month on a wedding planning website, became friends on FB, and the friendship grew from there).  She's been my infertility mentor for a while now, and she's sincerely one of the nicest, most genuine people I know.  Even though the sites might not be as exotic, it would be a lot more meaningful to me.

My favorite past vacation that I would love to revisit (with a few slight alterations) is our honeymoon road trip.  B and I took a little over a week and drove to Atlanta, Orlando, Jacksonville Beach, and back home.  It was a long trip, and B got pretty sick of driving by the end of it, but we had so much fun.  If we had the chance to take this vacation again (and I hope we will), I would want to spend some time in Nashville on our way down, then stop in Atlanta, visit Disney and Universal (I have to see the new Harry Potter Diagon Alley!!), and then head west and visit Tampa maybe, instead of Jacksonville.

Really, the most important factor in my dream vacation is that I'm spending quality time with B.  We have a lot of fun together, and he makes every vacation extra special with his planned outings and adventures.

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