19 September 2014

Blog Challenge Day 19: Perfect Day

My perfect day is really simple.  It would include waking up to see that B has put away the clean dishes so I can wash more dishes - or even better, there are no dishes that need to be washed.  B would be home, and we would spend the day bumming around some of our favorite places to hang out.  Maybe we'd catch a movie.  I wouldn't have to cook dinner, and we'd probably finish the night watching TV on the couch.  I would love it if we were mostly disconnected from our phones and other distractions during our day together.  I really don't need a lot of bells and whistles, I just want to spend stress-free quality time with my guy.

IVF Update:  Today was not my perfect day because it involved the vag cam (and working), but it was a pretty good one.  I went to the RE this morning to get my baseline ultrasound and labs drawn, and everything looked perfect.  I was able to check in with my RE about my procedure from 2 weeks ago - she said it looks like I've healed well, and the procedure removed everything, so now my uterus should be in perfect condition for future embryos.  I decreased my Lupron dose (from 10 units to 5) and started my Follistim (125 units) and Menopur (75 units) tonight, and that went pretty well, although all three injections tonight drew blood, which is a little unusual for me.  The nurse who drew my blood today recommended rubbing an ice cube on the intended injection site before giving the Menopur shot because it burns.  We didn't have any ice cubes so I used an ice pack for a few seconds and that worked fine.  I have my follow-up appointments set already for next week, so hopefully my ovaries respond nicely and I don't have to change my doses!

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