07 September 2014

Blog Challenge Day 7: Changing the Past

Today's question is a bit of a thinker:  If you could go back and change one minor event in your infertility journey, what would it be?
I think in a lot of circumstances, there are always several things that people would want to change - hindsight being 20/20 and whatnot.  It's difficult for me to think of only one small thing I would change - there are two moments that I think were mistakes that shaped our journey.  The first mistake I made was not questioning my General Practitioner when she told me there was no reason for my irregular cycles and that my blood hormone results were normal.  I should have asked for a referral to someone who could get to the root of the problem.  By making the minor change of speaking up when I felt my concerns weren't being heard, we could have moved on to treatment and a diagnosis sooner.

The second small-ish mistake I made was spending a full year with a Nurse Practitioner who specialized in monitored infertility treatment cycles.  I really liked her as a person, she was always very upbeat and optimistic about our chances with monitored cycles on Clomid (and eventually Follistim), but in the end, we didn't really get anywhere.  The Follistim cycle never should have happened, and the only real progress we made with her was getting the HSG done.  We should have cycled with her for 6 months maximum, and then requested an RE referreral.  We ended up with a lot of canceled cycles and a lot of disappointment that probably could have been avoided.

Overall, I don't think those changes would have added up to making a huge difference, especially that it would really only take a few months off of this almost 3 year process.  But ask anyone with infertility who is trying to conceive, and those few months are precious time that was wasted, and wasting time sucks.

1 comment:

  1. I first went to my obgyn because I had a crazy three week period, three weeks off, and then back on again and super heavy too! I went to the doc who immediately put me on birth control to calm them down. While it worked for that I ultimately think it is what cause the exact opposite problem! Though who knows if it would have made a difference as I have never been "normal".
